Fort Bend Drug Crime Lawyer

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Fort Bend Drug Crime Attorney

Arrested & charged with a drug crime in Ft. Bend?

If you are facing a conviction of a drug crime, waste no time in contacting a strong legal advocate. Do not let a mistake negatively affect the rest of your life. The team at Greco Neyland, PC has extensive experience in dealing with drug crime cases and knows how to create the most strategic defense for those facing accusations.

With a former chief prosecutor on their side, they have a keen insight into the working of both sides of a courtroom. This advantage gives their clients an edge in court that is not available to most. Not only that, but they have been named members of the State Bar of Texas as well as the Texas Criminal Defense Lawyer’s Association. Their impressive record of case results is a testament to their unwavering commitment to doing everything possible to stand up for the rights of those accused of crimes.

Facing accusations of any drug crime offense is extremely dangerous in the state of Texas. Lawmakers have concluded that inflicting harsh penalties on those convicted of drug offenses will deter individuals from using or selling drugs. Narcotics task force officers in the Fort Bend area are dedicated to getting traffickers and drug users off the streets and incarcerating them in jail or prison.

It is critical that any person accused of a drug crime, from possession through more serious crimes, have aggressive legal representation that will actually fight to defend the case. The legal team at Greco Neyland, PC takes a forceful approach in defending clients facing all types of drug crimes.

How a Drug Crime Lawyer Could Help

Law enforcement officers and policy makers have taken to harshly punishing individuals who are caught engaging in any type of crime related to drugs. The manufacture, sale, distribution, and transportation of drugs are only some of the behaviors that could land you in jail or prison if you are convicted.

Furthermore, possession with the intent to distribute is seriously condemned in the court of law. Therefore, if you were recently arrested for any type of drug crime, from smuggling to importation to cultivation, you need to immediately seek legal defense from a Ft. Bend attorney.

Heroin, marijuana, crack, cocaine, ecstasy, PCP, and crystal meth are all drugs that can quickly result in severe penalties for those who are caught and convicted for crimes pertaining to their use, sale, and more. Even prescription drugs can land a person in serious legal problems if fraud or misuse has been correlated with their use.

There are many law firms who may be sympathetic but will then advise their clients to just plead guilty. Greco Neyland, PC is not there to plead the case, but to fight for the client in front of the jury. The aggressive attitude and courtroom abilities are a strong support for clients who are seeking to avoid conviction.

Greco Neyland, PC is there to fight the case for the accused client, not to hold their hand while they plead guilty. The legal team immediately gets into action with a careful and thorough review of all police reports, witness statements and lab reports as well as any other available evidence in the case to identify errors, failures to follow correct procedure or other defense opportunities. There are an astonishing number of cases in which serious errors have occurred, and with fast legal action it could be possible to have the case dismissed.

Contact the Right Fort Bend Drug Attorney!

The legal team at the firm goes above and beyond the call of duty in fighting to defend clients. Seeking out witnesses, other exonerating evidence and finding the flaws in the case with a relentless determination to seek to avoid conviction is the everyday business protocol in the firm.

Winning the case for the client is the goal and the outstanding courtroom talents and carefully prepared and researched defense cases could greatly increase the possibility of avoiding conviction.

For those who are searching for a defense lawyer in Ft. Bend that will energetically defend their case, it is strongly advised that they contact this high quality, proven defense legal team to get into action in defending the case.

Contact a Fort Bend drug crime lawyer to defend criminal drug cases:

  • Drug Sales
  • Possession
  • Drug Crime Attorney
  • Cultivation
  • Distribution
  • Importation
  • Manufacturing
  • Prescription Drugs
  • Sales
  • Smuggling
  • Trafficking
  • Transportation
  • Cocaine
  • Crack
  • Crystal Meth
  • Heroin
  • Ecstasy
  • Marijuana
  • PCP


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